Friday, June 13, 2014

Cannon Challenge Day 2

Ok, I know I'm updating this a day late but I. Did. Do. Day 2.

Yes, I did it. Let me answer the questions first before I get into explaining.

How did I feel before starting? Compelled.
What made me remember today's challenge? My son looked at my stomach (after I ate) and said, "Maybe you should start walking again". I responded that I'm doing this challenge.
What made me get up and do it? I had to live up to my words and, yes, I was bothered by my stomach as well.
How did I feel during the challenge? Sit ups? Fine. Crunches? Fine. Leg raises? Oh. My. Gawd! I hate, detest, loathe leg raises. They are a bane. Most of my weight is in my thighs-- just the way I'm built but I've got to do a lot of trimming to do.
How did I feel after the challenge? I stretched on the floor by lifting my chest after planking. My stomach still felt tight and crampy.
Level of difficulty: Still pretty easy so far but a little harder with the increased number of leg raises. Did I mention how much I HATE leg raises? Now, after doing this ab challenge, I still felt impelled to do more. So I walked around the neighborhood for 20+ minutes. I felt better after completing the time but I also felt exhausted. I don't know if it was the humid Miami night or if it was because I'm out of shaped but I was sweating as if I had been running in the afternoon sun. Just dripping sweat. Sweat pouring from my hair, down my neck, through my clothes. Honestly, I felt a bit embarrassed to be so out of shape. But I quickly had to remind myself that it was three years ago when I walked four hours in a mile five to six days awake. I also had to remind myself that then (same as now) I was not able to do those whole four miles in the beginning; I had to build up to that. So instead of being embarrassed, instead of putting myself down for my current physical state, I should thank myself for doing the two activities, the ab challenge and walking, and not flaking out. I won't say I look forward to tonight's session because, again, I HATE LEG RAISES. But I'm going to do those exercises for myself, for my health. Oy, my stomach just clenched in soreness. Looking ahead to my next 30-day or less challenge besides the smoothie one. Will it be leg? Arm? Writing? Reading the Bible? What do you suggest?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Challenge 365 Day One

All these ideas swirling in my head. All these great things I want to do overwhelming my brain. All that I want to be standing before me impatiently waiting for me to do the work and achieve. Yeah, it's time. I've got to push past this procrastination and fear. I am more than I am. I try to be in the present but this is not the present I'm to be in. Time to break this cycle of struggle. The two words I heard in my spirit just before the new year were change and restoration. The last few years have been so hard and I've just reacted. Now it's time to be proactive. To start. Somewhere. Anywhere. Right now.

I forgive myself of all the false starts. I release the disappointment. I silence the negative voice in my head that tells me I'll just give up; I won't finish.

If I want better for myself (and I do), for my family (again I do), then I've got to do better. Starting now. Starting with this post. No apologies for yesterday because I can change none of that. No regret for what's lost because what's for me will be found again. Eyes forward.

Let me tell you what this blog will entail. It's going to be a blog dedicated to Cannon Challenge 365. For one full year, I will embark on different (safe) challenges I see on the internet. The first one is an ab challenge, the one pictured.
This blog will talk about how I feel undertaking the challenges. Sometimes I'll vlog my progress or a review.

Since I just completed day one of the ab challenge, I'll go ahead and give it a start.

How did I feel before starting? Tired.
What made me remember today's challenge? A friend posted an update on Facebook (I'm behind; the group's on day 11).
What made me get up and do it? I glanced at the chart, saw how easy of a start it would be, then figured if I didn't move right then, I would never do so. I got up. I did it.
How did I feel during the challenge? It's only day one so everything was pretty easy.
How did I feel after the challenge? My stomach did keep clenching after I was finished. After having twins last fall, my body's pretty out of shape.
Level of difficulty: Pretty easy so far. Ask me in a few days.

I already know what my next challenge will be (see pic below):

I saw the author on the Steve Harvey Show and he highly endorsed it. As she explained what went into the smoothies, I thought to myself that it didn't sound gross. So I'm going to try it. If you're inclined to begin this with me, you can click the picture to go to the Amazon website and order. Now I don't know if I'm going to wait until I'm completely done w/ this ab challenge or if I will begin it next week. Considering it deals w/ food, I want to keep a physical challenge in the mix as well so I'm leaning heavily to beginning this smoothie challenge/cleanse next week.

I'm also currently on day 11 (I think) of a financial challenge-- not spending any of my change, dollars only. It's working well so far. That one I'm trying to keep up for 100 days. At the rate I spend for lunch/dinner takeout that should be about $100. Smh.

Anyway, what do you think about doing simultaneous challenges? Let me know in the comment area.

Ps & Qs,