Friday, June 13, 2014

Cannon Challenge Day 2

Ok, I know I'm updating this a day late but I. Did. Do. Day 2.

Yes, I did it. Let me answer the questions first before I get into explaining.

How did I feel before starting? Compelled.
What made me remember today's challenge? My son looked at my stomach (after I ate) and said, "Maybe you should start walking again". I responded that I'm doing this challenge.
What made me get up and do it? I had to live up to my words and, yes, I was bothered by my stomach as well.
How did I feel during the challenge? Sit ups? Fine. Crunches? Fine. Leg raises? Oh. My. Gawd! I hate, detest, loathe leg raises. They are a bane. Most of my weight is in my thighs-- just the way I'm built but I've got to do a lot of trimming to do.
How did I feel after the challenge? I stretched on the floor by lifting my chest after planking. My stomach still felt tight and crampy.
Level of difficulty: Still pretty easy so far but a little harder with the increased number of leg raises. Did I mention how much I HATE leg raises? Now, after doing this ab challenge, I still felt impelled to do more. So I walked around the neighborhood for 20+ minutes. I felt better after completing the time but I also felt exhausted. I don't know if it was the humid Miami night or if it was because I'm out of shaped but I was sweating as if I had been running in the afternoon sun. Just dripping sweat. Sweat pouring from my hair, down my neck, through my clothes. Honestly, I felt a bit embarrassed to be so out of shape. But I quickly had to remind myself that it was three years ago when I walked four hours in a mile five to six days awake. I also had to remind myself that then (same as now) I was not able to do those whole four miles in the beginning; I had to build up to that. So instead of being embarrassed, instead of putting myself down for my current physical state, I should thank myself for doing the two activities, the ab challenge and walking, and not flaking out. I won't say I look forward to tonight's session because, again, I HATE LEG RAISES. But I'm going to do those exercises for myself, for my health. Oy, my stomach just clenched in soreness. Looking ahead to my next 30-day or less challenge besides the smoothie one. Will it be leg? Arm? Writing? Reading the Bible? What do you suggest?

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